Sunday, July 5, 2009

gabygoo4 here!! again! lol!

hey everyone so how was ur day?! mine was great i went to the beach and played football with my dad... he taught me to just let it roll of your fingers... it was FUN!! let us no how ur day went in a comment. :)

Gabygoo4 here!! :)

Hey everyone! So how was your fourth of July? Mine was good, we watched the fire works and went in the pool. Pretty fun. So... More about chobots... I saw some pretty good art the other day but I didn't have time to take pics:( Sry! But stay tuned for more pics and what not.

600 follower chobots blog!

it has 600 followers!
Also were have a party for the 600 followers


Hey everyone!!! Today I won't post much, since I have to go to the beach but keep your eyes pealed for more!! Also, check out my other website! it's pretty awesome!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :)
Oh, and that mod magic that tinagothic did was incredible. (Round of applause for Tina!)
P.S. Tina's my name!!! :) Awesome!!
I only got the hat but no flag :( Awww.... Let us know what you got!! Did you get a flag, a hat, or both? OR other things?!?! Let us know in a comment.

Saturday, July 4, 2009


Hey its rickyglam i will be making post for this blog!

Grand opening

Hey everyone! gabygoo4 here and me and ricky r making a blog together, so enjoy this!! :) I hope u like it so far it's plain but we r working on it.